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Sunday, January 20, 2008


Perhaps you have a focused mind--meaning that whatever you place your attention on, you can manifest. For too many, the brain has a short attention span and we wonder
why we become so scattered. I know because I have been training my mind for 25 years and yes, I have made progressed. However, there are some to where it becomes a passion. I will give you an example.

About six years ago I was introduced to the Henry Sugar story written by Roald Dahl. It was a most interesting story about a man who secured a small booklet telling of a man from India who by looking steadily into the flame of a candle learned to ride a bicycle in heavy traffic blindfolded. He could see through things.

Being a student in the Ramtha School of Enlightenment, this intrigued me but I wasn't committed at that time to pursue this avenue. There was a man--a carpenter and the single parent of a son who was feeling depressed because he felt he had
not progressed in the school. He read the Henry Sugar story and one day he was sitting and looking out his sliding glass door when he 'saw' a playing card and perhaps it was the 3 of clubs. He was pulled to pick up a deck of cards near by and he stared at the back of the deck. Then, as I recall him telling the story, he turned the card over and it was the 3 of clubs. This excited him and he began spending long hours staring at the backs of cards and gradually over a year, he began to be adept at it.

It was at this point, he shared with others what he could do. He was then asked to show the RSE students what he had learned to do. I was in the audience in the Great Hall, when Kenny Thompson began focusing on the backs of cards--after someone had shuffled the deck thoroughly, and he called most of them correctly. He went on to
become more adept and about a year ago he and another student were tested by scientists in California and they came through with flying colors.

What did it take? Focus and a passion to do it. He has now gone on to roulette and is quite good at it. Kenny now has a website and I urge you to go to it. http://www.spin-geek.com. Be sure to click on the sample e-book.

A simple man who developed a passion trained his mind. I know I am inspired and I hope you are too.

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