This Wednesday, April 7, 2009, the faithful Jews congregated before the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem and elsewhere in Israel to bless the sun. Why every 28 years? Jewish tradition has been that the sun returns to its position at the moment the universe was created 5,769 years ago. Having done research on the history of the Bible, I learned why the Jews have this belief and the history perpetuated has another truth. What if the history we have been taught in schools and by religions isn’t true? There will be some who will deny this and will hold on to their beliefs. It is frightening to move away from what we were taught and to take a look at new revelations.
Two authors that I have found to be of immense help in answering for me inconsistencies are Immanuel Velikovsky and Ralph Ellis. Velikovsky wrote A World of Chaos and Ramses II: Ages of Chaos. Velikovsky published these books in the 1950’s and during his research he found many inconsistencies, which didn’t add up. According to the Hebrew history, certain events happened that appeared to be similar to events in Egyptian history. The only problem was that there was a difference of six hundred years. This bothered him and he set out to find out why the variation. His results are fascinating. Regarding the 5,769 years, my understanding is that it arrived from the great Exodus. From the Hebrew point of view, the Jews had been enslaved and wanted to be free of the tyranny of Egypt. Under the guidance of Moses, they departed Egypt and after the Red Sea parted for them, they wandered for 40 years until they came to the Promised Land. Have you ever wondered where they spent those 40 years when it only takes about three hours to travel by SUV from the Nile Delta to Palestine? Have you wondered who the Canaanites were? You know - those people who God gave the Israelites permission to ravish, kill and take-over.
There are researchers who question the validity of the Exodus story as written in the Old Testament (O.T,) and Talmud. Published on October 29, 1999, Ze’ev Herzog wrote an article titled “Deconstructing the walls of Jericho” in Ha’aretz, the leading newspaper in Israel that after “70 years of intensive excavations in Israel, archaeologists learned that Israelites did not sojourn to Egypt or make an exodus. They did not wander in the desert.” If there is no evidence of Israelites being in Egypt, then what is the Exodus all about?
Perhaps the Israelites were not known under the name as given in the O.T. If one were to research Egyptian history as given in hieroglyphics, paintings and other ancient writings, then another picture begins to unfold. This is very much like cracking a hidden code. The Jewish scholars who promote that the world is only 5769 years old could be right from the point of view that the Jewish or Hebrews had no beginning prior that time. Since this is the year 2009 AD, this would place the beginning of the Jewish race to around 3760 BC. What was happening around 3760 BC? When I began researching, I learned that even Jewish history scholars cannot agree upon the timelines when important events took place such as the Exodus.
In The Gift of the Jews by Thomas Cahill, he writes that the Talmud came into being from oral history and there is no reliable record of written Hebrew before the 10th century BC. If you have ever played the ‘whisper’ or ‘telephone’ game, you have an idea of how garbled the original statements become.
Immanuel Velikovsky researched Egyptian history and the O.T. history extensively and even though there were parallels in both histories, the dates of the events did not agree. He finally realized that the Hebrews and the Egyptians counted time differently and when he learned how to reconcile the differences in times, he realized that their histories were practically the same. When in the O.T. it is written that Abraham journeyed south into Gerar, it could be he was traveling into Egypt because the names Gerar and Egypt were the same. What has been revealed is that the Hyksos were also the Israelites. Therefore, the Hyksos were in Lower Egypt at the time of the Great Exodus and during their sojourn changed their name and for them their world began when they departed Egypt. Thus, we have the belief that the world began 5769 years ago.
Why did the Hyksos depart Egypt? That will be posted soon. It is similar to unraveling a skein of yarn and the Jewish belief is a piece of yarn.
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